The company based in Duizel (the Netherlands) was founded in 1904 and produces over 750 million cigars or cigarillos annually. These include the Balmoral little cigars. With the Balmoral little cigars, Royal Agio appeals to different customer groups through various products.
For example, the Balmoral little cigars Dominican Selection is intended for those smokers who prefer inexpensive copies. The associated cigarillos are machine-made and packed in cellophane. This series – in which the insert consists of a mixture of tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Brazil – includes a wide variety of formats, so there should be something suitable for every requirement. The top product of the brand – and also the flagship of Agio – is the Balmoral Sumatra Selection. The manufacturers use Havana, Brazil and Java tobacco for the inlay. The corresponding products have a mild and therefore extremely pleasant aroma, which is rounded off by peppery facets. These Balmoral little cigars are available in different sizes. Some formats are also offered in a milder version (identified by blue packaging).
The assortment of Balmoral little cigars is constantly expanding. For example, further series such as the “Balmoral Royal Selection Maduro” or the “Balmoral Royal Selection Claro” have been available since 2012. With such new products, Royal Agio proves that it is always keeping up with the trend and not resting on the successful tradition, but is always on the lookout for new innovations.
The Cumberland Balmoral little cigars are small cigarillos that are made in Holland. The packaging of these models is very striking. A bright yellow adorns the box, on which the traditional logo can also be found. The cigarillos impress with their incredibly mild aroma. As a result, they do not appear obtrusive in the nose and are nevertheless intense enough to relax the entire body.
The Balmoral little cigars of Cumberland version have a binder and a cover from Sumatra. The tobacco insert also comes from this country and was mixed with Caribbean tobacco. The cigarillos are 105 mm long and about 9 mm. The Cumberland promises enjoyable moments of smoke.