These Sparrow Little Cigars are machine-made.
The smallest cigar format is the cigarillo format, or little cigars. The cigarillo measures approx. 8 to 10 cm in length and has a diameter of 8-9 mm. The smoking time of a cigarillo format is around 10-15 minutes.
In addition to the cheap cigarillo brands, which are well-known Sparrow Little Cigars, which mean much even for non-smokers, there are also premium cigarillos, which are produced in small quantities with very high-quality premium tobacco.

The Netherlands has a very long tradition of producing high-quality cigarillos and little cigars, most of which are made from Sumatra or Java tobacco. To date, a number of manufacturers have proven their worth that still produce premium quality cigarillos in a small, select setting.
Your Sparrow Little Cigars are made for you by hand, so there can sometimes be waiting times!
Your Sparrow Little Cigars wait for you in our online shop.
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The tradition of Sparrow Little Cigars is a very long one, and in terms of their production method and the tobacco used, they are very comparable to the cigar produced in the Netherlands. Since this type was very style-defining for many years, one speaks of the European cigar.
To buy Sparrow Little Cigars in our online shop, you first need web access. Set a connection, visit our online shop, place an order and await our feedback.
Our sales team will immediately react. We will be your guide to order your Sparrow Little Cigars.
We are skillful experts of smoking products and their prices.

What we like to do is to amaze our customers with our product prices. You will not buy these Sparrow Little Cigars anywhere else at such prices that we can offer.
All customers say that they actually buy at discount prices from us. Especially if they are loyal to us and order for a long time.
We are happy to demonstrate our markets proficiency!