The elite Vegafina little cigars are moved by turn in La Romana (Dominican Republic) by utilizing customary techniques.
There are just a couple of spots on the planet where the interaction of sun, dampness and soil conditions orchestrate so the best tobacco leaves can flourish. These zones are known as “vega finas” or uncommon ranches.
Vegafina little cigars have been fabricated in the city of “La Romana”, the well known manufacturer of the Garcia family, for more than thirty years.
The cigars with the mellow, smooth taste and fine hot fragrances are hand-made with an Ecuador Connecticut Seed wrapper, a wrapper from Ecuador and a supplement produced using Dominican Olor and Cuban Piloto.

It’s so natural to purchase and test Vegafina little cigars: in our stogie online shop, you will locate our present choice of stogies and cigarillos from the Vegafina little cigars brand.
Vegafina little cigars are among the most well known non-Cuban stogies on the Spanish market, which in any case inclines toward all the more remarkable stogies. The rich stogies are mellow to medium-solid and are moved together by hand. The fine stogies are produced in the Tabacalera de Garcia manufacturing plant.
The Dominican stogie is gentle in quality and consequently reasonable for novices just as experienced smokers who like to go after not all that solid duplicates. In any event, when chilly, the Corona group smells charming and can keep on dazzling in any event, when lit. Kinds of nut, wood and cocoa blend into the smooth delight that keeps going around an hour. A ring size of 42 and a length of 14.6 cm let the stogie lie easily in the hand and, gratitude to the best quality, appreciate the ideal draft obstruction and catch fire.

Vegafina little cigars are Dominican cigars with in any event 25 minutes of full-bodied smoking delight, which has an ideal taste. The Dominican cigarillos from Vega Fina have a gentle taste and convey nutty smells. They are perfect for fledglings, the quality is great and smoking joy takes 25 minutes.
The Dominican Vegafina little cigars have a gentle quality that ideally supplements the nutty smells.