Santa Damiana Classic Club little cigars are, in addition to the Chicos, another cigarillo format of the Dominican brand. With a length of 95 millimeters and a diameter of just under one centimeter, they are suitable for a short smoke after a lunch break or for an evening beer. Santa Damiana Classic Club little cigars remain nice and mild and are therefore particularly recommended for beginners.

Santa Damiana Classic Club little cigars give off light notes of wood and nuts. Otherwise, the smoke is quite short at around 10 to 15 minutes in order to be able to search for different flavors. Nevertheless, the connoisseur is offered a pleasantly mild smoke that does not get scratchy and elegantly accompanies a wide variety of drinks. The insert and binder come from the Dominican Republic, the cover sheet is a Connecticut Shade.

For in between or as an accompaniment to an after-work beer: the Santa Damiana Classic Club little cigars always fit. Try the little mild ones.

Even if it has existed for over 20 years: Basically, Santa Damiana Classic Club little cigars are a fairly new cigar brand that was launched in 1992. A first class cigar made in the Tabacalera de Garcia in the Dominican Republic. For the European market it was specially mixed a little stronger and fuller. The filler consists of a mixture of Dominican and Mexican tobacco. The binder also comes from Mexico, whereas the wrapper is a best US Connecticut shade.

It is one of the most popular Dominican series, always first class and consistent in quality. It promises uncomplicated and harmonious smoking pleasure. The taste can be described as light and yet highly aromatic. For example, the Churchill format was awarded 5 stars by the Cigar Journal; this is the best possible rating in this magazine!
Santa Damiana Classic Club little cigars were among the first imported cigars on the cigar market. We can only recommend these Santa Damiana Classic Club little cigars to beginners and lovers of soft, creamy cigars.