Don Tomas little cigars have existed since 1975 and have a large market share in the USA. The founding company General Cigar Dominicana has more than 2,000 employees and can therefore carry out the processes of tobacco growing and the various manufacturing steps in the manufacture of cigars in a structured and effective manner.

The original name Dos Gonzalez is a tribute to the long-time employee and very hard-working tobacco and cigar connoisseur Felix Gonzalez, who died in 2011 at the age of 59. Don Tomas cigars are spicy, not too strong and inexpensive. They are still very popular in Switzerland too.

Medium-strength, slightly shorter Robusto, with an insert from the cathedral. Rep., Mexico and Nicaragua, binder from Mexico and wrapper from Honduras. Soft smoke with present cedar and roasted aromas, some earth, with a hint of almonds. A fleeting note of pepper rounds off the range of aromas.

Make sure to smoke cool. The Don Tomas little cigars are a smoke full of character with a good draw.

Buy Don Tomas little cigars at discount prices from our online shop. Swiss cigars, retail sale without surcharge.

A sophisticated tobacco blend, consisting of a Honduran San Agustin wrapper and a Honduran and Nicaraguan filler (Ometepe), is a present for all cigar smokers. The binder also comes from Honduras. Overall, the Don Tomás cigars can be classified as spicy and aromatic in taste. They surprise with a fine, sweet finish. They also show themselves at their best when it comes to migration behavior.

The Presidente of Don Tomás, for example, was rated with 90 points. The Don Tomás lines include Don Tomás Cameroon Collection, Sun Grown, Clasico and Corojo. All of them are handcrafted, excellently structured and affordable cigars. Don Tomás are well balanced and mostly medium strength, while the flavors range between hearty, nutty and toasted toast.

Although this cigar does not have a big name, it is one of the most smoked long filler cigars from Honduras in Switzerland. The Don Tomás owes its silent success above all to the wide distribution in retail. What does this cigar with a tobacco blend from Mexico, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Honduras offer the connoisseur: The taste is fine-spicy and develops woody notes. It has deficits in terms of balance. It lacks sweetness, the small cigar tends to have a bitter note instead.