The origin land in the Dominican Republic is among the best in the world. The La Flor Dominicana little cigars, which tobacco is growing in this country, also benefit from this. They are manufactured and supervised during production by none other than Litto Gomez Diez. La Flor Dominicana little cigars offer an extremely wide range, which gives smokers a lot of choice. Originally, Diez himself wasn’t a cigar maker, but had already made a name for himself as a jeweler. With the establishment of the then new brand of La Flor Dominicana little cigars, he turned away from his previous profession and entered completely new territory. The reason for this was very banal: after a robbery on his jewelry store, he had to process a loss of $ 400,000.
The La Flor Dominicana little cigars have the reputation of being of particularly exquisite quality. Indeed, this factor has always been very important to Litto Gomez Diez. Because the general cigar market had to meet increasing demand at the end of the last millennium, many manufacturers increased the circulation of their products. This procedure mostly took place at the expense of quality, so that there was hardly any further development in this regard. The complete opposite was the case with the La Flor Dominicana little cigars. Here the number of pieces was deliberately kept low in order to be able to continue to offer high-quality tobacco blends. For this approach, he still receives the respect of the whole scene today, because he consciously decided to cultivate tobacco and maintain its quality.
Litto Gomez Diez has hard earned the success of his La Flor Dominicana cigar and still managed to make a lasting impact on the entire market. In the beginning he limited himself to the cultivation of deposits and turning pages, but he was also able to develop his own cover sheet. In 2002 he managed to cultivate a shade grown wrapper. This cover sheet is very finely and precisely structured because of the very low solar radiation. It is also very bright.
The brand’s reputation has grown even further today. The La Flor Dominicana little cigars are now considered as one of the best from the Dominican Republic. Gomez himself is an innovative mind behind it and always surprises with future-oriented thinking, which is not geared towards the maximum and immediate profit, but on the maintenance and development of the craft and its diversity. Like many other specimens from the region, the La Flor Dominicana cigars also taste rather mild and sweet, so that they are by no means too strong.