Launched for Mexico’s Independence Day, Te-Amo little cigars are a popular brand and have been produced in tobacco factories for over 60 years. There are several varieties of these tobacco products. Connoisseurs can find products with a strong, bright or weaker taste, enriched with hints of fruit and honey.

Classic Te-Amo little cigars of this type are made from a Cuban wrapper and filling, which consists of a special tobacco grown in the province of San Andreo. Special climatic conditions, cultivation of plants using a special technology make it possible to achieve a unique taste, highly valued by aficionados from all over the world. In our catalog you can choose a wide variety of packages of Te-Amo little cigars that will meet the most demanding tastes of customers.

To buy the famous Te-Amo little cigars, you need to choose the right product in the catalog, place an order and enjoy excellent product quality

The World Selection line of Te-Amo little cigars consists of several series, in each of which the producers tried to reproduce the characteristic differences of each of the five largest cigar-producing countries – the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico andCuba. The Te-Amo little cigars of the World Selection line are distinguished by rather unusual taste and aroma, the main note in the bouquet is plant, herbaceous. Te-Amo little cigars have all the virtues of tobacco grown in the San Andres Valley, where the Mexicans claim is the best land for growing tobacco.

Due to the low smoldering temperature of Te-Amo little cigars, you can reveal all the tones and overflows of the exquisite aroma of tobacco. The first third of the product is smoked quite easily, the next part is rich. It is recommended that you alternate, or not take, deep breaths when smoking Te-Amo little cigars, which will reduce the effects of combustion products.

To purchase these Te-Amo little cigars at the most advantageous prices, please find and order them via our online store.

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