Djarum little cigars are unique of their kind. This is how the Indonesian Djarum little cigars produced under the Djarum brand can be characterized. They have a bright, unique taste due to their unique composition and recipe. You can buy Indonesian-made Djarum little cigars at an affordable price in our online store.

Djarum little cigars are called kretek. This original blend includes different types of tobacco, cloves and various natural ingredients to soften the overly harsh taste of cloves. Kretek was invented at the end of the 19th century in the town of Kudus, located in the central region of Indonesia. In 1954, the first industrial enterprise for the production of cigarettes and cigarillos was organized here. We offer to buy Indonesian Djarum little cigars inexpensively via the Internet from us.

Types and popular versions of Djarum little cigars

The undoubted advantages of Indonesian Djarum little cigars are the small amount of tar formed during smoking, and at the same time, the sufficient strength of the products. The products are available with or without filters. The brand line includes more than 20 items.

Djarum little cigars are a traditional non-filter kretek, containing 100% only natural ingredients. The taste is classic – a mixture of tobaccos is saturated with a sauce of spicy spices and squeeze from cloves. Contains 3 times more tobacco than other versions. The packing is dense, pleasant, slightly astringent taste. And no bad smell after smoking.

One of the most popular versions of Djarum little cigars is Black. This is a classic version with a spicy strong taste and aroma. Djarum little cigars are distinguished by dense packing, when smoking, a distinct crackle of cloves is heard, there is almost no bitterness, and the taste is unusual.

Where you can buy Djarum little cigars.

The online store is ready to offer you a wide selection of tobacco products made from natural ingredients produced in Indonesia. Feel the unusual taste of Djarum little cigars that cannot be confused with any other ones. We closely monitor trends in the tobacco market, study supply and demand and set attractive prices for products. You can buy Djarum little cigars right now in our online shop. We guarantee a prompt delivery.