Dannemann Cigarrenfabrik GmbH is considered the first noble manufacturer of cigars and is the market leader in the field of cigarillos and cigars in German business. The company was founded in 1872: at that time Gerhard Dannemann from Bremen emigrated to Brazil and opened his own cigar factory there. Dannemann little cigars are an integral part of the European tobacco tradition. The company is particularly successful with the Moods brand. The Dannemann little cigars are the most frequently sold cigarillos in Germany: Moods has a national market share of over 50 percent. With the Moods brand, Dannemann also made it clear not only to stick to established traditions, but also to correctly interpret the signs of the times and to offer contemporary tobacco products.

Tobacco products with tradition: Dannemann little cigars. Today the Dannemann little cigars are machine-made in Germany. Most formats are offered either with tobacco from Brazil or from Sumatra. The two versions differ somewhat in the mixture of the inlay, but the biggest differences lie in the cover sheet as a flavoring component of the cigarillos. The real classics among the Dannemann little cigars – in addition to the Moods products already mentioned – are the Speciale Brasil and the Speciale Sumatra. In addition, other cigarillos such as the somewhat milder gold variant or the Mini con Filtro are offered.

Since 1872, Dannemann little cigars have established themselves as an internationally highly regarded brand. What started with a small factory in Bahia, Brazil, is now a global company that sells its high-quality products in more than 60 countries. The best example is again the Dannemann Moods cigars: around 100 million packs of the popular tobacco products are purchased every year. Dannemann little cigars stand for constant quality – from sowing to harvesting to the finished Dannemann little cigars.

The Dannemann Speciale Gold is a very special cigarillo that is well received by the lovers of Dannemann little cigars. This brand is known for its exclusivity and high quality. The Speciale Gold is one of the classic Dannemann little cigars. With Germany as the country of origin, the brand has the best prerequisites to deal with a demanding clientele.