The Chief Stix Hemp little cigars impress with an intense, natural hemp aroma. The hand-picked tobaccos give the Chief Stix Hemp little cigars a particularly fine note. Chief Stix Hemp little cigars are available both flavored or without additional flavoring.
The original Chief Stix Hemp little cigars. The Chief Stix Hemp little cigars stand for “rich flavor in a short smoke”. For everyone who doesn’t just want to smoke something. Maybe, Chief Stix Hemp little cigars don’t suit everyone. But with the stylish and handy soft pack in every pocket of Chief Stix Hemp little cigars, everyone will be satisfied. We could tell you a lot more about the best American Virginia tobacco or the natural wrapper.
But because you can’t taste words, it’s the best for you to try the Chief Stix Hemp little cigars!
The Sweet Chief Stix Hemp little cigars are characterized by a fine but piquant note and are available in a plastic box. Alternatively, the Chief Stix Hemp little cigars are offered with a filter. The manufacturer promises that the Sweets Filters have a mysterious, elegant look. The insert and cover sheet of the Sweets cigarillos come from Sumatra. A classic, on the other hand, is a version of Chief Stix Hemp little cigars for indulgent smokers. At the beginning, the cigar shows its mild side and at the same time reveals sweet, grassy facets. However, this sweet taste soon gives way to a bitter aroma, which at the end almost ends in sharp notes. Many cigar connoisseurs used the presented Brazilian cigar to get started.
Alternatively, a cigar with a fruity, tropical character with tobacco from Sumatra is also available. Their aroma is pervaded by woody-grassy notes, which get sharper towards the end. The Chief Stix Hemp little cigars range also includes Juniors Brasil – the corresponding cigarillos are characterized by a spicy taste with grassy tones. After a start with a fine, subtle sharpness, the sharp tones become more and more prevalent in the course of enjoyment and clearly dominate the taste profile in the end.