Premium Leon Jimenes little cigars were introduced to the market in 1987. This was originally done with the aim of perpetuating the great personal contribution of the Jimenez family to the cigar culture of the Dominican Republic and to the development of the La Aurora factory. But soon this line of cigars, with a wide variety of vitolas, gained great recognition for their mild taste and excellent balanced and refined aroma.
Taste qualities of Leon Jimenes little cigars: Leon Jimenes little cigars are rolled from Connecticut shade, a unique wrapper leaf grown in the shade of tents. In addition to the American canopy, Dominican tobacco is used as a binder leaf, and a bag of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos grown from Cuban seed. Leon Jimenes little cigars are of excellent construction with good traction and even burning. As a result, the aroma and taste of the cigar is constantly evolving during the smoking process, the smoke is thick and rich, but the cigar is not very strong.
The production under the Leon Jimenes brand includes hand selection of tobacco leaves, careful aging for up to three years and, finally, hand rolling only perfectly preserved leaves. Leon Jimenes little cigars contain exclusively long-filler and are wrapped in a Connecticut Shade wrapper. This is the most expensive variety of cover tobacco, featuring a golden sheen of light brown, which the leaf gets when it grows in the shade under an awning. Leon Jimenes little cigars have a delicious taste and aroma with hints of cream and caramel. A great cigar for any occasion, Leon Jimenes is the epitome of Dominican cigars.
Fifty years after the establishment of the La Aurora factory, the company began production of the new Leon Jimenes little cigars, targeting those who love a calm and elegant smoking. Leon Jimenes little cigars offer classic flavors, associated mostly with the Connecticut variety, which is dominated by bitter notes of cocoa, wood, dried fruit and nuts. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a pleasant and gentle smoking!