Romeo y Julieta Puritos little cigars are machine-made Cuban cigars. The wrapper, filler, and binder are Cuban, and the medium strength makes it suitable for beginners and connoisseurs alike. Smoking time is less than 20 minutes, perfect for a quick smoke in between.

Romeo y Julieta Puritos little cigars are 1 centimeter in diameter and 11 centimeters long.

They are made as short fillers, which means that pieces of tobacco are processed. This results in an even distribution of tobacco and an even flavor.

The flavor of Romeo y Julieta Puritos little cigars is woody and fruity, with notes of cream and pepper. The cold flavor is woody and earthy, with an emphasis on sweet notes.

Romeo y Julieta, the iconic brand named after William Shakespeare’s world famous romantic play, includes 46 different cigars, as well as three smaller cigars. In addition to the Mini and Club, there are also Pretos Cigarillos, perfect for a quick break or to pass the time. Typical smoking time is 15 to 20 minutes.

Thanks to machine production, the quality of the manufacturing and finishing is consistently high. The filler, wrapper and binder are made from Cuban leaves. Despite its small size, the short filler gives a typically strong Cuban flavor. Of course, Puritos tobacco remains original, not flavored or further processed. Therefore, the aroma is dominated by spicy, raw flavors of leather, earth, wood and pepper. As usual with Romeo y Julieta, this puritos has a good draw and a medium smoke volume.

Romeo y Julieta Puritos little cigars offer a variety of variants in compact packages. Especially popular are the boxes of 5 and 25 cigarettes, which shine with the familiar noble look of Romeo y Julieta Puritos little cigars.

Ordering of those tobacco products in our online shop is useful for numerous motives.

Our online stores provide an extensive variety of products, consisting of one-of-a-kind variations of these branded little cigars. You aren’t confined to what’s to be had in local stores and may select your preferred collections and flavors.

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