Cigarillo enjoyment can also be full of finesse and style. This is proven by the Mac Baren little cigars, which represent a class of their own. They do away with the prejudice once and for all that small short fillers are only for lazy people or for hasty smoking in between.

At Mac Baren little cigars of Original Choice version, the manufacturer relies on high-quality pipe tobacco for the insert. The classic Burley and Virginia tobaccos harmonize perfectly with each other and stand for a smoking experience of the subtle yet aroma-rich kind. The scent of pipe tobacco unfolds in a seductive way even with the short duration of smoking and is harmoniously combined with sweet, delicately spicy tones. These are thanks to the noble cover page, a Connecticut Shade from Ecuador.

The Original Choice Mac Baren little cigars flatter the connoisseur both with their taste and with the scents that unfold in the room.

The Original Choice Mac Baren little cigars with filters stand for a velvety smoking pleasure that lingers pleasantly for a long time. They have a length of 90 mm and a diameter of 8.3 mm and are therefore real small formats. The statement “small but nice” hits the nail on the head with this quality product. Connoisseurs get their money’s worth, as do ambitious beginners.

The “Vanilla Choice” Mac Baren little cigars with filters.

The Vanilla Choice Mac Baren little cigars are recommended for inexpensive smoking pleasure that hits the nerve of the times and where high quality is by no means compromised. Mac Baren’s filtered cigarillos conceal a pleasant, vanilla-flavored smoke that appeals to a wide audience and takes flavored cigars to a new level.

The Vanilla Choice Filter Mac Baren little cigars contain pipe tobacco of the high-quality, perfectly coordinated type. The Virginia and Burley varieties were chosen. The Flavored Cigar also uses an Ecuadorian wrapper. The bright, smooth Connecticut Shade refines the cigarillo and completes the harmonious blend.

When smoking, the Mac Baren Vanilla Choice cigarillo develops a natural sweetness. The vanilla notes are neither too subtle nor too strong and do not put the selected tobacco in the background. This is exactly how flavored cigars or cigarillos should be constructed. Fans of vanilla and exquisite cigarillos should definitely give this quality product a try.