little cigars that look like cigarettes

As a cigar enthusiast, I’ve tried my fair share of different types and flavors. From classic Cuban cigars to more modern creations, I thought I had experienced it all. That was until I discovered the world of little cigars.

Little cigars, often referred to as cigarillos, are smaller versions of traditional cigars. They typically have a length of around 3 inches and a ring gauge of less than 20. They are made from the same high-quality tobacco as regular cigars, but are usually machine-made rather than hand-rolled. This means they are more affordable and accessible for cigar lovers.

At first, I was skeptical about little cigars. After all, how could something so small compare to the bold flavor and complexity of a regular cigar? But after trying a few different brands and flavors, I was pleasantly surprised. Here are some reasons why little cigars are worth trying for any cigar aficionado.


One of the biggest advantages of little cigars is their convenience. Due to their small size, they are perfect for a quick smoke break, whether you’re at work or on the go. You don’t need to set aside a chunk of time to enjoy a cigar, making them ideal for busy schedules.

I remember the first time I brought a pack of little cigars to a party. I was able to enjoy a smoke without having to step away from the conversation for too long. It was a great way to socialize and indulge in one of my favorite hobbies at the same time.


Despite their small size, little cigars offer a surprisingly wide range of flavors and aromas. From fruity and sweet to bold and smoky, there’s something for every taste. Some popular flavors include cherry, vanilla, and even chocolate. And since they are machine-made, the flavors are often more consistent compared to hand-rolled cigars.

I personally love trying out different flavors and seeing how they pair with different foods and drinks. It’s a fun and delicious way to experiment with different combinations and find new favorites.


Let’s face it, cigars can often be expensive. But little cigars are a more budget-friendly alternative. Their smaller size means they use less tobacco, making them more cost-effective. And since they are usually machine-made, they are priced lower than their hand-rolled counterparts.

That being said, the price does not reflect the quality. Many little cigars are made with high-quality tobacco, just like regular cigars. So you can enjoy a great smoke without breaking the bank.

Easy to smoke

If you’re new to the world of cigars, little cigars are a great place to start. Their smaller size makes them easier to smoke, especially for beginners who might find traditional cigars too overwhelming. They also have a shorter burn time, which means you won’t have to worry about it going out before you finish.

Additionally, some little cigars come with a filter, making them even smoother and easier to smoke. This is a great option for those who don’t want a harsh hit with each puff.

Less intimidating

As someone who has been smoking cigars for years, I know that traditional cigars can be intimidating for some people. The intense flavor and strong aroma can be overpowering for those who are not used to it. Little cigars, on the other hand, offer a milder smoking experience.

Their smaller size and wide range of flavors make them more approachable for beginners. I’ve introduced many friends and family members to the world of cigars through little cigars, and it’s been a great way for them to ease into the cigar-smoking experience.

In conclusion, little cigars may be small in size, but they pack a punch in flavor and convenience. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar connoisseur or a curious beginner, they are definitely worth trying out. So grab a pack and enjoy a little moment of relaxation and indulgence. Happy smoking!