As a lover of tobacco products, I have always been intrigued by the world of cigars. From the bold and robust flavors of traditional cigars to the unique and compact size of little cigars, there is a whole spectrum of choices for cigar enthusiasts. In this article, I want to share my knowledge and experience with little cigars – a lesser known but equally enjoyable alternative to traditional cigars.
What are Little Cigars?
Little cigars, also known as cigarillos, are petite versions of traditional cigars. They are made with the same high-quality tobacco as their larger counterparts, but are wrapped in a thin layer of tobacco leaf or paper instead of a tobacco leaf wrapper. This makes them more affordable and convenient for everyday use.
While traditional cigars can range from medium to large sizes, little cigars are usually no longer than 4 inches long and have a ring gauge of 20-29, making them narrower in diameter than regular cigars. This smaller size also means that little cigars generally have less tobacco and a milder flavor compared to traditional cigars.
My First Experience with Little Cigars
I remember my first little cigar like it was yesterday. I was at a friend’s backyard barbecue, and someone offered me a little cigar from their collection. I was hesitant at first, thinking it might not be as satisfying as a regular cigar. But I was pleasantly surprised.
The first thing I noticed was the aroma – it was just as rich and inviting as any larger cigar I had tried. Then came the taste – a pleasant, mild blend of tobacco with a hint of sweetness. The small size allowed me to enjoy it at my own pace without feeling rushed. From that day on, little cigars became a regular part of my cigar rotation.
Varieties of Little Cigars
Just like traditional cigars, little cigars come in a variety of flavors and strengths to suit different tastes. Some popular options include vanilla, cherry, and chocolate. These flavors are often infused into the tobacco or the paper wrapper, giving them a unique and aromatic taste.
Little cigars are also available in different tobacco blends, including Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan. Each blend has its own distinct characteristics, from earthy and spicy to sweet and smooth. It is worth trying out different blends to find the one that suits your palate.
Why I Love Little Cigars
There are several reasons why I have grown to love little cigars. Firstly, their compact size makes them easy to carry around and enjoy on-the-go. I no longer have to worry about carrying a bulky cigar case with me or finding time to sit and smoke a traditional cigar. I can simply slip a few little cigars into my pocket and indulge whenever I want.
Secondly, little cigars are more affordable than traditional cigars. As a regular cigar smoker, I can’t deny that smoking can be an expensive habit. Little cigars offer a more budget-friendly alternative without compromising on quality.
Lastly, the milder flavor of little cigars makes them perfect for everyday use. I can enjoy them while running errands or after a meal without feeling overwhelmed by a heavy taste. They are also a great option for beginner cigar smokers who are not yet accustomed to the strong flavor of traditional cigars.
Tips for Smoking Little Cigars
If you are new to little cigars, here are some tips to make your smoking experience even more enjoyable.
– Store them properly: Just like traditional cigars, little cigars should be stored in a cool and humid environment. You can use a humidor or a sealed plastic bag with a small piece of damp cloth to maintain the right humidity level.
– Cut them properly: Unlike traditional cigars, little cigars usually don’t require cutting. However, if you prefer a wider draw, you can use a cigar clipper to snip off the end of the cigar.
– Take your time: As little cigars have a milder flavor and less tobacco, it is important to take your time while smoking. This will allow you to savor the taste and enjoy the experience.
– Experiment with pairings: Just like with wine, different cigars can be paired with different drinks or foods to enhance the flavors. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find your perfect pairing.
In conclusion, little cigars may not be as popular as traditional cigars, but they offer a unique and enjoyable smoking experience that should not be underestimated. Their compact size, variety of flavors, and affordability make them a great option for both experienced and beginner cigar smokers. So next time you are looking for a different cigar experience, don’t overlook the little cigars – they might just surprise you.