Bucanero little cigars are produced in the Philippines and unlike cigarettes, they consist entirely of tobacco, mainly Virginia, and in structure resemble a small cigar more, as they are completely made by hand from a high-grade cigar sheet. Outside, the cigarillo is covered with a natural integument, and the filling contains cut tobacco. This combination significantly reduces the process of smoking the product, while maintaining a light, not difficult traction. The appearance of the Bucanero little cigars is reminiscent of the very first Indian rolled cigarettes, when they were twisted as necessary, leaving carelessly torn legs.

Before starting the production of these cigarillos, tobacco is aged in a special way for at least a year, then the tobacco is flavored with natural components, which significantly improves the taste characteristics of the finished product.

The assortment has a large palette of flavors, including the original tobacco, to maximize the satisfaction of a variety of taste desires and preferences of users. 5 cigarillos are produced in sealed pouches-packs for better preservation of all properties and longer storage. There are 10 packs in a block.

Bucanero little cigars Cuban Rum is made from Virginia tobacco. In their structure they resemble a mini cigar, as they are completely made by hand. Tobacco for the production of cigarillos is aged in a special way for 12 to 15 months. Flavoring: Cuban Rum.

Bucanero little cigars Honey are made from Virginia tobacco. In their structure they resemble a mini cigar, as they are completely made by hand. Tobacco for the production of cigarillos is aged in a special way for 12 to 15 months and aromatized with natural ingredients. Flavoring: Honey

Bucanero little cigars IceGrape are made from Virginia tobacco. In their structure they resemble a mini cigar, as they are completely made by hand.

Bucanero little cigars Vanilla are produced from Virginia tobacco. In their structure they resemble a mini cigar, as they are completely made by hand. Flavoring: Vanilla

Bucanero cigarillos are made from Virginia tobacco. In their structure they resemble a mini cigar, as they are completely made by hand.