The traditional company Villiger has set itself the goal of making it possible for aficionados of different demands to enjoy premium tobacco of Mini Dominican and Puritos Villiger little cigars.

Villiger has been passionately producing Mini Dominican and Puritos Villiger little cigars since 1888. Today the family company sells more than 800 million cigars and cigarillos.

The Mini Dominican and Puritos Villiger little cigars come from a traditional company that has been one of the leading manufacturers for many decades. The co-owner Heinrich Villiger himself designs the concepts of his products and also invents the brand names. The Swiss-German company is known for its high-quality tobacco creations. The Mini Dominican and Puritos Villiger little cigars are just right for cigarillo lovers. It is one of the smallest formats in the house, but it is in no way inferior to its big siblings.

As a small cigarillo, the Villiger 1888 Mini Dominican is a handy format that awaits its connoisseurs with award-winning quality. The influences of tradition and modernity come together in the company. The Mini Dominican’s tobacco insert comes, as the name suggests, from the Dominican Republic. The tobacco is grown there under the best conditions and therefore tastes very mature.

Compared to other cigarillos, the Mini Dominican and Puritos Villiger little cigars are balanced mini cigars, which due to the high quality are some of the best pieces on the market. Their lengths measure just 90 mm and are around 7.90 mm wide. The mini cigar is available in a practical folding box or in an elegant wooden box. Connoisseurs and connoisseurs greatly appreciate the Villiger 1888 brand and are happy to be pampered by the mini edition.

The Villiger 1888 Puritos cigar is a very high quality model that bears the name of a very traditional manufactory. Already in 1888, Jean Villiger, with the help of his wife Luise, founded a small cigar factory, which within a few years became a firm fixture on the market. The Villiger brand cigars and cigarillos are still a popular product today. The Puritos offers its connoisseurs only a smoking pleasure, but it shows itself from a very intensive side.