Te-Amo little cigars have been made in Mexico for many years and were originally made from pure Mexican tobacco. The World Selection Series (WSS), on the other hand, are blends made from raw materials from various countries.
The Turrent family has thus succeeded in adopting a completely new concept. It produces cigars of one handwriting, but each with the same architecture with completely different tastes.
The Dominicana Blend of Te-Amo little cigars consists of Connecticut Shade (cover page), San Andres (cover page) and an insert from the Dominican Republic.
Yes, it’s a special cigar in every way. We got to know the Te-Amo little cigars brand very early and also its selections, which unfortunately no longer exist. The St. Andres Selection is unforgettable. Te-Amo little cigars come from Mexico and their cigars are rolled in the Alberto Turrent factory in the legendary St. Andre Valley. The World Selection is characterized by the combination of tobacco from different countries, which are then rolled in Mexico. There is a variant with Cuba, one with Dominica and one with Honduras tobacco. All with the incomparable flavor that Te-Amo little cigars are known for.
Lately, people have been asking more and more about the “small, fat things” that are mostly slumbering somewhere in a corner of the humidor. Many are put off by the price and, exceptionally, not because the cigars are too expensive. Since some people still believe that cigars have to be priced to be of good quality.
Mexican Te-Amo little cigars are extremely classic cigars, made from the famous dark San Andres tobacco. He is considered the mother of all dark tobacco. These tokens are darkened by the fermentation and not by artificially influenced processes during tobacco ripening. It is one of the most original and very authentic tobacco compositions available on the market today.
One of the leading Mexican companies producing Te-Amo little cigars focused on the Mexican cigars. Te-Amo little cigars brand is chosen mainly because of the interesting shape and the annual series. The structure in front of the lighting is good, the impression will not be soft, rather looked a little heavy, despite good zavlhčení. Ignition takes place without problems, unfortunately Ash falls quickly for my taste. Its taste is dry and has a very intense tobacco impression.