Havanas little cigars are made from the most famous cigar varieties of Dominican tobacco Criollo La Vega and Nicaraguan Corojo, with the addition of Pennsylvania…
Feel the unusual taste of Djarum little cigars that cannot be confused with any other ones
Djarum little cigars are unique of their kind. This is how the Indonesian Djarum little cigars produced under the Djarum brand can be characterized. They…
The Moontrance by CAO Flavors little cigars line is a complex and unique blend of 100% natural and exotic fruit extracts as well as bourbon and vanilla
There are not so many activities in a man’s life that bring true pleasure. One of them is cigar smoking. It takes time to savor…
Guantanamera little cigars offer the full taste of machine-made Habanos
Guantanamera is the title of a famous song written and distributed by the Cuban Joseito Fernandez in 1928. The song achieved international success in the…
Dean’s Little Cigars with the full taste of American tobacco are intended for true connoisseurs of tobacco traditions
Dean’s Little Cigars entered the life of the layman as one of the alternatives to more expensive cigars. Most cigarillos are made by machine, their…
Hav-A-Tampa little cigars have an excellent aroma
Our online store is glad to present you amazing Hav-A-Tampa little cigars. These cigarillos are produced in the USA. They have an excellent aroma. Hav-A-Tampa…
Bella little cigars are marketed in elegantly designed packs of 20 pieces
Bella little cigars are extremely popular products of the Sunshine Tobacco company. Bella little cigars are presented in four versions: full-taste Bella little cigars, light…
Panter little cigars guarantee a particularly mild smoking experience with a fine hint of vanilla
Every major cigar brand also offers a selection of cigarillos. Sizes, tastes and prices differ widely. We have selected the best here, whereby we keep…
In our catalog you can choose a wide variety of packages of Te-Amo little cigars
Launched for Mexico’s Independence Day, Te-Amo little cigars are a popular brand and have been produced in tobacco factories for over 60 years. There are…
Medium strength and sweet, coffee notes in the aroma of Neos little cigars
Neos little cigars with a wrapping sheet from the island of Java and aromatic cherry or vanilla filling for a pleasantly mild flavor. Neos little…