Bella little cigars are extremely popular products of the Sunshine Tobacco company. Bella little cigars are presented in four versions: full-taste Bella little cigars, light Bella little cigars, ultralight Bella little cigars, menthol Bella little cigars. After receiving a positive response from testing focus groups and participants in Tobacco Plus Expo 2011, Sunshine Tobacco is striving to occupy a niche among a growing number of women in the filter cigar market. Bella little cigars are marketed in elegantly designed packs of 20 pieces.

Actually, everyone can agree that Bella little cigars are something sophisticated and high quality. However, there is one category of cigars that are still divided today: the so-called full-taste Bella little cigars, i.e. flavored long fillers and short fillers. They are currently more popular, especially among the younger generation and in the form of cigarillos.

The modern Bella little cigars brand has always been known for daring to experiment and not to be intimidated or even influenced by the opinions of others. Various tobacco blends use leaves from less well-known countries and the foray into flavored tobacco has also paid off. The Bella little cigars brand offers a delight that combines spicy notes of tobacco with the gentle yet beguiling sweetness of vanilla.

The production process does not use chemical aroma substances, but rather fine vanilla beans from Madagascar, the African country in which the roots of vanilla lie. The Bella little cigars brand therefore looks natural despite the unusual taste. The cover sheet of the short filler comes from Cameroon and the rest of the tobacco comes from the Dominican Republic. The aroma and taste of Bella little cigars are described as rich and distinctive. Make sure that it is true, ordering the Bella little cigars in our online shop.

We in our online shop are striving to offer the best-quality cigar items and customer support to our clients. We develop the product range as well as the quality of our services. We develop personal skills to reply to any questions of our existing and potential clients. Contact us once and let us have a delight to satisfy your curiosity with our detailed replies to your questions about the Bella little cigars.