Philippine Bucanero little cigars are finished analogs of Backwoods. A similar innovation, mixes and crude materials as the maker uses to make Backwoods cigarillos. No different brilliant tastes, no different most loved configuration and bundling. Just now under another name.

Bucanero little cigars, which are created from Virginia tobacco, are smaller than normal stogies by their structure, as they are totally carefully assembled. The tobacco for generation of Bucanero little cigars is aromatized with regular fixings! Bucanero little cigars have an enhanced flavor and a slight footing.

Bucanero little cigars are stuffed in packs of 5 pieces each, utilizing some exceptional long haul stockpiling advances, with no loss of item quality.

Bucanero little cigars are created in the Philippines and not at all like cigarettes, they comprise altogether of tobacco, chiefly Virginia. Outwardly, the Bucanero little cigars are secured with a characteristic integument, and the filling contains cut tobacco. This blend essentially lessens the way toward smoking the item, while keeping up a light, not troublesome footing. The presence of Bucanero little cigars is suggestive of the absolute first Indian moved cigarettes, when they were bent as vital.

Prior to beginning the creation of these Bucanero little cigars, the tobacco is matured in an extraordinary route for at any rate a year, at that point the tobacco is enhanced with regular segments, which essentially improves the taste attributes of the completed item.

The arrangement has a huge palette of flavors, including the first tobacco, to expand the fulfillment of an assortment of taste wants and inclinations of clients. 5 Bucanero little cigars are delivered in fixed pockets like packs for better protection everything being equal and longer stockpiling. There are 10 packs in a pouch.

Seasoned and gently drawn, the Bucanero little cigars of Wild Berry version are made totally by hand from Virginia tobacco. They are intentionally heedlessly turned, extend towards the end and have torn edges. Their shape is adapted as stogies smoked by the legends of westerns of the 60s. Cigarillos have a unique look, mellow taste and solid fragrance, tobacco for them is aromatized with regular fixings and matured in an exceptional manner for a year. In a water/air proof pack of 5 cigarillos with the fragrance of wild berries.