Little cigars, also known as cigarillos, are a type of cigar that has gained popularity in recent years. They are smaller in size and offer a quicker smoke compared to traditional cigars. As someone who enjoys smoking, I have always been curious about little cigars and wanted to learn more about them. In this article, I will share my knowledge and experience with little cigars, from their history to their flavor profiles and popular brands.
History of Little Cigars
The history of little cigars dates back to the 1800s when they were introduced in Europe as a cheaper alternative to traditional cigars. At that time, they were primarily made with scraps of tobacco and were considered low-quality products. However, little cigars gained popularity among working-class individuals who couldn’t afford expensive cigars.
In the early 20th century, little cigars were brought to the United States, and their popularity grew rapidly. They were mostly hand-rolled by skilled immigrants, making them an affordable and desirable option for smokers. During the Great Depression, little cigars became a popular choice due to their affordability, and many companies started mass-producing them.
However, in the mid-20th century, when the health risks associated with smoking became more apparent, the demand for little cigars declined. In recent years, as cigar culture continues to thrive, little cigars have made a comeback and are now one of the fastest-growing segments in the cigar market.
Flavor Profiles of Little Cigars
Little cigars come in a variety of flavors, ranging from sweet and fruity to rich and bold. They are available in both natural and flavored options, giving smokers a wide range of choices to suit their preferences. The flavor profile of a little cigar is influenced by the tobacco used and the added flavorings during the manufacturing process.
Natural little cigars, also known as traditional little cigars, are made with pure tobacco without any added flavorings. They offer a smooth and classic smoking experience, with a milder taste compared to traditional cigars.
On the other hand, flavored little cigars come in a variety of options, such as cherry, vanilla, honey, and rum. These flavors are added during the manufacturing process, infusing the tobacco with the desired flavor. Flavored little cigars are popular among beginners and those who enjoy a sweeter smoking experience.
Popular Brands of Little Cigars
There are many brands of little cigars available in the market, each with its unique flavors and characteristics. As a smoker, I have tried various brands, and here are some of my favorites.
Black & Mild is a popular brand known for its sweet and rich flavor profile. It offers a smooth and mild smoke, making it a great choice for beginners. The brand offers a range of flavors, including cherry, wine, cream, and more.
Swisher Sweets is another popular brand that offers a variety of flavors, such as grape, peach, and strawberry. These little cigars have a slightly sweet taste and are known for their smooth and easy draw.
Dutch Masters is a premium brand that offers a rich and bold smoking experience. Their little cigars come in a variety of flavors, including vanilla, chocolate, and cognac. They are perfect for those who enjoy a more robust smoking experience.
Backwoods is a brand that offers natural little cigars, made with pure tobacco and no added flavorings. These little cigars have a rustic appearance and offer a smooth and mellow smoke.
Tips for Smoking Little Cigars
When it comes to smoking little cigars, there are a few things to keep in mind to enhance your smoking experience. Firstly, make sure to choose a reputable brand to ensure the quality of the tobacco. Secondly, pay attention to the flavor profile and choose one that suits your taste buds. Here are a few more tips for smoking little cigars:
1. Cut the cap: Before smoking, cut off the tip of the little cigar using a cutter, razor blade, or sharp knife. This will allow for an even burn and better airflow while smoking.
2. Toast the foot: Hold the little cigars over a flame, about half an inch away from the foot, and rotate it slowly. This will toast the tobacco and help create an even burn.
3. Take your time: Unlike traditional cigars, little cigars are meant to be smoked quickly, with an average smoke time of 10-15 minutes. However, don’t rush through it; take your time and enjoy the flavors.
4. Don’t inhale: Unlike cigarette smoking, it is not recommended to inhale the smoke from little cigars. Instead, hold the smoke in your mouth and let the flavors linger before exhaling.
5. Store them properly: To ensure the freshness and flavor of your little cigars, store them in a humidor, cigar box, or airtight container with a humidity pack. This will prevent them from drying out, which can affect the taste.
In conclusion, little cigars are a popular alternative to traditional cigars, offering a variety of flavors and a quick smoking experience. With their rich history, unique flavor profiles, and popular brands, they have carved a niche in the cigar market. As a smoker, I enjoy indulging in little cigars now and then, and I hope this article has provided you with valuable information to enhance your smoking experience.