Cohiba little cigars are one of the best-known cigar brands in Cuba. It was created as early as 1966, but at that time it was only reserved for certain circles. It was not until 15 years later that the brand officially came onto the market and could be exported. Until then, it was only accessible to diplomats and other important people. In addition to the cigars, there are now also Cohiba little cigars and these are extremely tasty and of high quality. Similar to the cigars, the Cohiba little cigars are Cuban puros, which means that they consist entirely of Cuban tobacco.

Cohiba little cigars are now produced in various formats and flavors. On one side, the Aficionado finds the 95 mm long and 9.5 mm slim Cohiba Club cigarillos. The Cohiba Minis, on the other hand, are slightly smaller with a length of 80 mm and a diameter of 8 mm. Similar to Cuban cigars, the Cohiba little cigars have a strong taste.

Fruity, spicy and slightly spicy nuances mix into the smoking experience. A certain sweetness can also be tasted. They are available in boxes of 20 pieces. Lovers can enjoy the particularly spicy and woody aromas between 10 minutes and 15 minutes, depending on the format. The series of Cohiba White Cigarillos offers an interesting contrast because it is not strong but rather mild in taste. Nevertheless, these cigarillos are Cuban puros and of very high quality. The mild taste makes them ideal for beginners who still value quality. They are also pleasant to smoke at any time of the day. Already with the morning coffee in the morning, the White CCohiba little cigars offer extraordinary taste, but also fit in every situation.

Mini Cubanos Cohiba little cigars.

Cohiba little cigars do not only promise quality, they also stand for it. With the Cohiba Mini it has been possible to bring a very small cigar onto the market, which should also delight pleasure smokers in between. Based on the large and heavy models from Cohiba, this smaller variety does not have to hide in taste in any way. In mini format it is really very small with 82 mm in length and 7.8 mm in diameter.