filtered little cigars

As a lover of cigars, I have always been intrigued by the smaller and often underestimated cousin of the traditional cigar – the little cigar. While many people may turn their noses up at these smaller smokes, I have found them to be just as enjoyable and flavorful as their larger counterparts. In this article, I will share with you my experience and thoughts on little cigars, and hopefully, change your perspective on this often overlooked cigar type.

First and foremost, let’s define what a little cigar actually is. A little cigar is a cigar that is similar in size to a cigarette, but it is made with premium cigar tobacco and wrapped in a tobacco leaf rather than paper. They often come in packs of 20 and are available in a variety of flavors, just like cigarettes. However, the main difference between little cigars and cigarettes is the quality of tobacco used. Little cigars contain premium tobacco, while cigarettes usually contain a blend of lower quality tobacco and additives.

One of the main reasons I enjoy smoking little cigars is because they offer a quick and convenient smoke. As much as I love a long, leisurely session with a traditional cigar, there are times when I just don’t have the time for it. Little cigars are perfect for those moments when you need a smoke break but don’t have the luxury of an hour or more to spare. They are also more socially acceptable in some settings, as they resemble cigarettes more closely and have a milder aroma.

Another aspect of little cigars that I appreciate is the variety of flavors available. While I am a fan of the natural tobacco flavor that traditional cigars offer, sometimes I like to mix things up and try something different. Little cigars come in a wide range of flavors such as cherry, vanilla, chocolate, and even coffee. These flavors are not overpowering, but they add a pleasant and subtle touch to the smoke, making it more enjoyable.

Now, let’s talk about the taste of little cigars. To be honest, I was a bit skeptical at first. I thought that because they were smaller, they wouldn’t have the same depth and complexity of flavor that traditional cigars have. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Little cigars may be smaller, but they still pack a punch in terms of flavor. The tobacco used is of high quality, and the blending process is similar to that of traditional cigars. As a result, little cigars offer a smooth and enjoyable smoke with a satisfying flavor profile.

In terms of price, little cigars are much more affordable than traditional cigars. This makes them a great option for those who are just starting their cigar journey or for those who are on a tighter budget. But don’t be fooled by the lower price point – little cigars still offer a premium smoking experience.

One thing to note is that because little cigars are wrapped in tobacco leaf rather than paper, they burn a bit faster. This means that you may need to relight it more frequently, especially if you are a slow smoker like myself. But this is a small price to pay for the convenience and flavor that little cigars offer.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – the health implications of smoking. As with any tobacco product, there are risks involved. However, because little cigars are made with premium tobacco and have fewer additives than cigarettes, they are considered to be a slightly healthier option. Of course, this doesn’t mean that they are without risks, and it’s important to exercise moderation and make informed choices when it comes to smoking.

In conclusion, as a cigar lover, I can confidently say that little cigars have earned a spot in my rotation. They offer a convenient, flavorful, and more affordable smoking option without compromising on quality. So, the next time you’re looking for a quick smoke break or want to try something new, I highly recommend giving little cigars a chance. You may just be pleasantly surprised.