Havanas little cigars are made from the most famous cigar varieties of Dominican tobacco Criollo La Vega and Nicaraguan Corojo, with the addition of Pennsylvania tobacco grown in the USA. As a finishing touch, the sweet Brazilian tobacco Mata Fina is added to the filling, which makes the taste of these cigarillos perfectly balanced. The cover leaf of the Havanas little cigars is based on the Indonesian Besouki cigar leaf variety, grown in the Brazilian region of Bahia.

Havanas little cigars are tobacco products that contain a whole leaf of tobacco on the outside and cut tobacco on the inside. Havanas little cigars taste closer to cigars and contain more nicotine. But in appearance, they look more like ordinary cigarettes, they are produced with a filter and packed in packs. Havanas little cigars do not contain additives that keep cigarettes smoldering and therefore may be flavored. Both the female and male sex give preference to this type of tobacco products, it all depends on the added flavors and the strength of the Havanas little cigars.

It must be understood that the pleasure of Havanas little cigars, like a cigar, is not in getting nicotine, but in the aroma of smoke. Therefore, you should not take a deep drag, it is better to listen carefully to the taste of tobacco in your mouth and smell. Treat your cigarillo like a cigar, even if you smoke it instead of cigarettes.

The choice will depend on your requirements for the product, because the cigarillo is quite democratic. For aficionados, everyday industrial brands are fine. Many contain fillers and flavors that add flavor to the flavor. Those who appreciate the similarity to a cigar should take a closer look at the classics, including the Havanas little cigars.

As for the purchase, fortunately, now you do not need to go to the homeland of tobacco to buy what you need. International trade has made sure that there is the widest possible choice anywhere in the world. The best way to buy Havanas little cigars is their ordering through special online shops that do not just buy wholesale tobacco products and resell them to the consumer, but understand the culture and philosophy of smoking, understand the issue and love to share their knowledge and advice.