Panter little cigars are for those who do not allow sophisticated taste to smoke regular cigarettes when there is no time to enjoy a cigar. The small size in combination with a natural tobacco leaf and rich taste conquered experienced smokers.
The history of Panter little cigars began in the first third of the 20th century, but they gained their popularity after the famous Royal Agio Cigars bought the brand in 1983. The company uses the best varieties of tobacco from around the world for its products. Gourmets claim that her cigars and cigarillos expand their horizons. And the Panter little cigars brand confirms this.
Panter little cigars are packaged in 10 pieces in cigarette cases with a panther. This animal perfectly reflects the key features of the brand: the brightness and flexibility of taste.
The online store presents eight types of these cigarillos.
Panter little cigars stood at the origins of the brand and has long been a classic. Cover sheet and tobacco with about. Java provides them with impeccable quality and recognizable aroma of spices.
Panter Blue with a cover sheet from Ecuador is characterized by a mild flavor and medium strength.
Panter Sprint cover sheet is brought from Indonesia. These are strong cigarillos with a bright aroma.
Panter Dessert and their filter option connoisseurs advise smoking after dinner in order to taste the amazing coffee aroma that accompanies expensive tobacco.
For Panter Arome and Panter Arome Filter, mature Ecuadorian tobacco leaves are selected and very little vanilla is added.
The delicate aroma of Panter Senoritas and their average strength have become the gold standard for many smokers.
Thanks to convenient delivery conditions, buying these Panter little cigars on our website is simple and profitable. If you have decided on the choice of taste, just click on the “Cart” button and indicate the quantity. For wholesale buyers, all products will be cheaper. The price on the product card does not include shipping costs. You can clarify it by phone.