At the first glance, Independence little cigars are characterized by their exceptional packaging. Like the Independence little cigars, they all have special flavors to offer. Arnold André’s cigars are thoroughly extravagant and stand out as a specialty from other cigars. Their quality leaves nothing to be desired, because the Sumatra tobacco from which they are made meets the highest quality standards. Sumatra is one of the best tobacco growing regions in the world and is known for flavorful and intense tobacco. But even long-established cigar connoisseurs can be convinced of the quality of the Independence little cigars once they have got to know the smell in the nose and the pleasant smoking properties of the cigars.
Independence little cigars can be bought in an attractive gold-colored tube, which preserves the cigar perfectly. Your tobacco ripens at an average temperature of 27 degrees Celsius in a region with a lot of rain. The sandy-loamy soil offers the ideal conditions for the cultivation of tobacco, which is reflected in its quality and the harvest is traditionally carried out from bottom to top, following the ripening process of the plant. The bottom sheets, called sand sheets, are ideal cover sheets. Thanks to their excellent quality, they enjoy the reputation of the most valuable and expensive cover pages in the world. Its light brown color gives the cigar a touch of appeal. With a length of 170 mm and a diameter of 16.2 mm, the Independence little cigars offer 35 minutes of smoking pleasure, which is characterized by a uniform burn and a sweet smell. Ideal smoke development and a good draft are further pleasant properties of this unusual cigar.
Hardly any cigar is as eye-catching as the Independence little cigars. The dark cigar and the colored label together result in a contrasting play of colors. The Independence little cigars are available in the form of a casual tube or as a small filter cigar in a metal can. The appearance of the cigar sets real trends. Only the best materials and, of course, a first-class insert are used in their manufacture.
The tobacco of the Independence little cigars comes from Sumatra. There is a very fruity soil that literally sprouts the tobacco plants.