Most people know Independence little cigars as the “cigar from the tank”. And rightly it is undisputed. You may think what you want: The fact is that there are a lot of fans for this machine-made cigar in the distinctive tubes. The Independence little cigars are not a real premium cigar, but we find that if you buy this cigar in the evening at the petrol station and you like it, one or the other has decided to buy more cigars in the future and the world of cigar smokers has another fanatic again . For that reason alone, you shouldn’t demonize the Independence cigars, but rather see them for what they are: The good starter pleasure for the spontaneous cigar smoker and buyer.

The machine-made Independence little cigars are now available as “Original” and “Xtreme Vanilla” in two different versions as well as real cigarillos in a very small format. All Independence little cigars are packed in the iconic aluminum tubes.

The petrol station cigar par excellence is now presented with an integrated accessory that is full of fascination: the Independence Stealth Blacklight Edition has an integrated miniature flashlight with black light, which can lead to unexpected discoveries and not infrequently for adults to see children playing on the Searching for adventure transformed.

The Independence Stealth Blacklight Edition is marketed under the motto “illuminate and expose”, which could hardly be more appropriate. Even the clever packaging of contemporary cigars promises discoveries that put many things in a new light. Apart from that, the cigar with its Brazilian wrapper guarantees smoking pleasure of the pleasant, modern kind. Those who like to enjoy life to the full or are not averse to positive surprises will get their money’s worth here. The hearty, spicy cigar in the elaborately designed tube is a proud 170 mm long and sits perfectly in the hand. It deserves at least as much – if not more – attention than the red, approximately ten centimeter long black light flashlight.