La Flor Dominicana little cigars from the Dominican Republic are nearly as famous as their Cuban rivals, despite the fact that they offer a totally extraordinary smoking involvement with detail. Dominican long fillers and short fillers are especially famous in the United States, yet the drawback is that numerous organizations are changing over to enormous volume creation, losing a specific measure of care and tender loving care. Stogie master Litto Gomez, then again, can’t be discouraged from understanding his own fantasies. With his La Flor Dominicana little cigars brand, he despite everything represents high-caliber and elite satisfaction.
Anybody searching for conspicuous stogies will discover them with La Flor Dominicana little cigars. The stogies are moved by hand with a great deal of skill thus the best is made of Dominican tobacco. Three long fillers in great organizations and with a light spread sheet are a piece of the first range and claim to a genuinely expansive, wealthy crowd. Progressively selected stogies are likewise accessible. The Carajos, for instance, have a dull, veined front of the Maduro assortment and are little to such an extent that they are suggestive of cigarillos. Under the name Los Perfectos you get voluminous figurados and the culebras integrated are interesting. La Flor Dominicana little cigars offer the Caribbean smoking joy of the ground-breaking and durable kind, which is more than worth the cost.
The La Flor Dominicana little cigars brand has different arrangements, on the organization’s site these are separated into 12 arrangements. In Germany, the shipper partitioned this into five arrangement: Suave, Air Bender, Ligero, Double Ligero and Edicion Limitada. We have condensed everything that doesn’t fit into these 5 classifications here!
The decorate of these stogies comprises primarily of Dominican piloto. In any case, the sytheses of the individual stogies right now so unique that they can’t be summed up here. These subtleties can be found on the item detail page of every individual stogie!
Litto Gomez stogies have had a generally excellent notoriety since the organization was established in 1994 and are particularly well known in the United States. They are commonly rather solid yet regularly Dominican stogies. Their fine smells produce an extremely wonderful room aroma. It is increasingly appropriate for cutting edge fans as they are extremely fragrant.