little cigars brands

When it comes to cigars, most people tend to think of big, expensive, and luxurious cigars that are reserved for special occasions. However, as a cigar enthusiast, I have come to appreciate the joys of little cigars, also known as cigarillos. These small and often overlooked cigars have a unique place in the world of smoking and offer a different experience from their larger counterparts. In this article, I will delve into the world of little cigars, their history, flavors, and why they are worth trying.

Firstly, let me tell you a little about the history of little cigars. They have been around for centuries, with their origins traced back to Europe during the mid-1800s. These cigars were made smaller and thinner to cater to women who were not allowed to smoke large cigars due to societal norms at the time. In the early 20th century, little cigars became a popular choice among men due to their convenience and affordability. As a result, many tobacco companies started producing them, and their popularity continued to grow.

Unlike traditional cigars, little cigars are usually made of a blend of tobacco leaves, which are wrapped in a tobacco leaf or a homogenized wrapper. The most common sizes of little cigars are 3-3.5 inches in length, with a ring gauge of 20-24, making them slightly longer and thinner than cigarettes. They come in a variety of flavors and are often flavored with fruit, chocolate, or even coffee. This adds to their appeal as they offer a different flavor profile from their larger counterparts.

One of the main reasons why little cigars are worth trying is their affordability. They are usually priced much lower than traditional cigars, making them a great option for cigar enthusiasts on a budget. You can buy a pack of little cigars for the same price as a single larger cigar, allowing you to experiment with different flavors without breaking the bank. Additionally, little cigars are often sold in a pack of 20 or 25, compared to 5 or 10 in a pack of traditional cigars, making them a more cost-effective choice.

Another advantage of little cigars is their convenience. Their smaller size makes them easier to carry around and smoke in different situations. Their mellow flavor and shorter smoking time make them perfect for a quick and satisfying smoke break. Additionally, many little cigars come with a plastic or wood tip, which serves as a built-in cigar holder, eliminating the need for a separate cigar clip or cutter. This makes them a great choice for smoking on the go.

One misconception about little cigars is that they are not as high in quality as traditional cigars. However, this is not entirely true. While they may not have the same complex and deep flavors as traditional cigars, they still offer a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience. Many little cigars are made with high-quality tobacco blends, and their smaller size actually allows for a more focused and intense flavor profile.

Little cigars also offer a variety of flavors for smokers to choose from. From classic flavors like vanilla and cherry to more unique ones like peach and blackberry, there is something for every palate. Some little cigars even come with a filter, making them a great option for those who prefer a milder smoking experience.

One of my favorite things about little cigars is their versatility. They can be paired with a variety of drinks, including coffee, tea, and even a good whiskey. The mild and sweet flavors of little cigars complement these beverages, making for a delightful experience. Additionally, their smaller size makes them a great choice for after-dinner smoking, as they do not take up too much time and can be enjoyed alongside a cup of coffee or a dessert.

In conclusion, little cigars may not have the same prestige or price tag as traditional cigars, but they certainly hold their own in the world of cigars. Their unique history, flavors, affordability, and convenience make them worth trying for any cigar enthusiast. So the next time you are browsing through your local smoke shop, why not pick up a pack of little cigars and give them a try? I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Happy smoking!