The tastes of cigar lovers can differ. Each cigar smoker can have individual preferences. Numerous smokers love the hemp aroma and order the Chief Stix…
Pipers Little Cigars Classic are short
Piper’s are cigars and flavored cigarillos consisting of a mild tobacco blend of pipe tobacco and Sumatra tobacco from Wormann Cigars. They are rolled into…
Partagas little cigars from the Casa del Habanos
If there is the most famous cigar factory in Havana, then this is Partagas. You can find it in house number 520 on Calle Industria…
The hand-picked tobacco gives the Chief Stix Hemp little cigars a particularly fine note
The Chief Stix Hemp little cigars have an intense and unique hemp taste. The hand-picked tobacco gives the Chief Stix Hemp little cigars a particularly…
Griffins Puritos little cigars are cigarillos for a convincing break
The Griffins Puritos little cigars are still cigarillos despite their almost cigar-sized size, but with a smoking time of around 25 minutes they are more…
Action little cigars are an increasingly helpful, small configuration
The Action little Cigars can be called stogies in an increasingly helpful, small configuration. The comparability is outside, roughly a similar shape and thickness. Both…
For the Atelier little cigars, the tobacco from Sumatra suburbs was used for the binder
Atelier little cigars are a new brand of the Kleinlagel & Söhne company. The company Kleinlagel & Sons was founded in 1916 in Rettigheim /…
Richwood little cigars from the Tantus Tobacco
Richwood is a well-known brand of stogies made by Tantus Tobacco. Tantus is a Kentucky-based stogie and cigarette creator that solitary uses the greatest Kentucky…
Vegafina little cigars obtained by utilizing customary techniques
The elite Vegafina little cigars are moved by turn in La Romana (Dominican Republic) by utilizing customary techniques. There are just a couple of spots…
Sparrow Little Cigars are a time-long traditioon
These Sparrow Little Cigars are machine-made. The smallest cigar format is the cigarillo format, or little cigars. The cigarillo measures approx. 8 to 10 cm…