Remington little cigars provide a robust flavor and exquisite aroma to which you will continue to return. They burn constantly for a long time, making sure that you enjoy their wealth in a relaxed smoke for a long time. Light these cigars after a healthy dinner or a lazy Sunday morning and you will be pleasantly enveloped by their intoxicating aroma. These Remington little cigars are produced in the Dominican Republic using Dominican tobacco and are then exported to the United States. According to humidity levels and dark brown color, the region’s soil is perfectly suitable for tobacco. In fact, along with Cuba Vuelta Abajo, the Yaque Valley in the Dominican Republic is one of the best regions in the world to grow tobacco. The cigars are 3 inches long with a 20-ring gauge and are available in 10 packs of 20 each.

In our online shop, you can buy a package of Remington little cigars and thereby make your present to the most presentable and truly festive one.

Almost until the mid-nineteenth century, such a thing as packaging for cigars did not exist. Vitols were collected in large bundles and packaged in a pork bubble, placing the vanilla pod inside. It was believed that in this way an unpleasant tobacco smell was repelled and optimal conditions were created for long-term storage. Later, for storage and transportation, large wooden chests began to be used, in which several thousand cigars were placed. The main materials from which the chests and packing boxes were made were oak and cedar wood.

Currently, a Remington little cigars packaging is an integral part of the gift. After all, any cigar always looks spectacular when presented with it in the form of a beautiful presentation. All the products presented by our online shop are distinguished by their impeccable style, a certain brevity, one can even say restraint, which surprisingly combines with an impressive appearance. Such packaging creates a festive mood and allows you to present cigars as a gift with a special chic.

It should be noted that gift boxes and pencil cases perform not only aesthetic functions. They reliably protect the port from mechanical damage and create the necessary conditions for maintaining flavor characteristics.

Get beautiful gift boxes, make a present with your Remington little cigars truly stylish, create a festive mood for yourself and those who are around you.