Smoker’s Choice little cigars are a popular brand for flavored cigars. Smoker’s Choice little cigars are cheaper, but their quality is comparable to some of the more expensive small cigar brands. Smoker’s Choice little cigars are available in flavors and varieties such as cherry, grape, mint, peach, strawberry, vanilla, full flavor and easily available. These economical cigars provide a satisfactory smoke.
Smoker’s Choice little cigars are smoking pipes rolled up from tobacco leaf and stuffed with cut tobacco, looking like thin cigars. The smoldering of cigarillos is temperature lower than that of cigars, which makes it possible to add flavorings to them. The length of Smoker’s Choice little cigars often does not exceed a standard cigarette, but there are also long cigarillos. The packs in which they are packaged resemble cigarette packs: soft or dense cardboard.
The word cigarilla means a little cigar. Indeed, the composition of the cigarillo has much in common with a cut tobacco cigar, but in shape and thickness it is more like a cigarette. A quality cigarilla usually consists of 100% tobacco, sometimes with the addition of flavorings. A humidor is not required for storing cigarillos, as well as for storing cigars from shredded tobacco. Unlike cigarettes, in Smoker’s Choice little cigars, as well as in cigars, there are no additives that accelerate combustion.
The shape and thickness of Smoker’s Choice little cigars are similar to those of a cigarette, and that is why it is popular with ladies, since with a cigarillo they look more refined and sophisticated than with a cigar.
The cigarillo consumption resembles cigar smoking, but you don’t need to cut it before smoking.
To set fire to a cigarillo, you will need regular matches or a lighter, but do not bring it close to the flame, as the cigarillo should smolder, not burn. The process of smoking is no different from smoking a cigar, and cigarillos are also not smoked “during a long run”.