Henri Wintermans little cigars are superior in quality. The tobaccos for the filling of Henri Wintermans little cigars are developed and gathered by hand on manors in Indonesia, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. To start with, the tobacco leaves are arranged and chosen, at that point left for drying and aging (the method can last around two years), after which the moved cigarillos are kept on the racks of the cedar tree to invigorate the tobacco. Dried under the sweltering sun, the tobacco leaves secure an enduring shading and fragrance, and after a cautious handling stage, you can feel a rich and profound taste.

For quite a long time in the Netherlands, Henri Wintermans little cigars have been manufactured by using cut tobacco of the best grades, and the idea of “dutch stogie” (dutch stogie) has gotten solidly settled in the order of top notch tobacco items. From the perspective of experienced smokers and experts of Dutch small stogies, Henri Wintermans little cigars have a remarkable gentle taste and quality, which can’t yet enchant fanatics of unwinding with a consuming stogie and some fragrant espresso. In the event that you might want to buy these Dutch Henri Wintermans little cigars as a blessing, we have an enormous metal can with 50 pieces.

Henri Wintermans was established by Henri Winterman in 1904 in the Netherlands, where he and his sibling opened a little stogie processing plant. The company name has become an image of certifiable quality that has made it the biggest exporter of stogies on the planet. Today Henri Wintermans is the main stogie maker in Europe. All Henri Wintermans little cigars are made by utilizing the interesting innovation of twofold maturing tobacco. To start with, simply the best tobacco leaves are chosen and matured for as long as two years. The completed stogies are furthermore matured on cedar wood racks. Therefore, Henri Wintermans little cigars are solid, yet not unforgiving, with a shockingly gentle flavor. Henri Wintermans little cigars have a refined, rich and delicate taste.

Today the brand is owned by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group that promotes Henri Wintermans little cigars. You can purchase Henri Wintermans little cigars at low costs here in our online store.