The name of Te-Amo little cigars comes from the Spanish language and simply means “I love you.” They make the fine Puro by hand in Mexico’s most famous cigar manufacturer A. Turrent.
The Te-Amo little cigars of World Selection Series Gran Corto Nicaragua is a medium-strength smoke, the interesting aroma development of which is thanks to the mixture of fine Mexican and Nicaraguan tobacco.
The immaculate cover page of the Te-Amo little cigars of World Selection Series Gran Corto Nicaragua is a Mexican tobacco plant of the H2000 variety, including a Mexican binder that holds the Nicaraguan deposit tobacco. The short long filler cigar in torpedo format offers creamy nut, wood and fruit aromas, which go hand in hand with a light and very harmonious sweetness. This is accompanied by a tasty flavor, for which the tobacco from Nicaragua is largely responsible. Train and burn of the Gran Corto Nicaragua are absolutely satisfactory.
The Te-Amo little cigars are manufactured in one of the best-known manufacturers in Mexico by A. Turrent. Here one is particularly happy after the invalidation of the Mexican “Puro Law”, which only allowed the production of cigars, which consist entirely of Mexican tobacco, to be able to offer blends that have an exciting mix of different growing countries with the country’s own crops. This is how the Te-Amo little cigars came into being, whose special taste is characterized by these different tobacco compositions.
At the Te-Amo little cigars of World Selection Series Gran Corto Nicaragua you will be delighted for about 45 minutes, because its creamy smoke makes the aromas appear full-bodied on the palate.
The Te-Amo No. 7 is another Mexican Puro in Panetela format, which gives you a mild to medium-strong smoking pleasure with a fine spicy taste.
The beautiful dark brown Maduro wrapper from Te-Amo No. 7, like its tobacco inlay and page tobacco, comes from Mexico. It is rolled by hand in the slim Panetela format, the No. 7 in addition to a very appealing spice, woody, grassy and fruity aromas that are accompanied by a pleasantly light sweetness. Such a slim format as the Te-amo No. 7 should be enjoyed particularly leisurely to avoid smoking the cigar hot, which would have a clearly negative effect on the taste. Otherwise, the medium Panetela has a well-adjusted draft and very straight burn.