Since 1818, Toscano little cigars have been an icon of tobacco products and a favorite of experts in this field of the market. Smokers are attracted not only by excellent Italian cuisine and luxurious wines, but also by the tobacco industry!
Toscano Toscanello little cigars are deeply flavored products from Toscano. Due to their sudden appearance they made smokers’ hearts beat faster. It is known that these short fillers contain dry tobacco sort and this is what helps them get their unique aromas through a special manufacturing method and good storage conditions. The taste of the Toscano Toscanelli little cigars’ amazes with its leathery-woody notes and provides a short but much promising smoke.
Kentucky seeds harvested under the Tuscan sun are added in order to fill these little cigars, and the wrapper leaf also originates from Italy. This is the way La Dolce Vita manifests itself in the tobacco fabrication and leads to pleasurable moments. The particular fermentation – first the tobacco leaves are humidified and then dried over a charcoal fire. This means generate the characteristic flavor of these short fillers. The tobacco’s storage period of up to nine months strengthens the concentration of the spice of the Toscano Toscanelli.
Considering the length of 7.5 centimeters, this short filler is regarded as one of the shortest little cigars that can be smoked intensively. The smoking experience is rich nevertheless. The diameter of 13 millimeters promotes rich taste sensations of this quite strong Toscano Toscanelli. These cigars will suit to admirers of breathtaking smoking.
If you like the Toscano brand, we advise you to try out this new version of flavors. And your smoking preferences will always be just great for your needs. You will experience longer smoking and it will last and last.
For those who are a true connoisseur of the unique taste and aroma of cigars, in the online store you will definitely find these cigars with such an extraordinary taste and aroma. The ordering procedure itself takes just a minute, and very soon you will become the happy owner of the first-class product. This is endless joy.