Virginia Heritage little cigars are made entirely by hand from selected tobaccos. For these cigars, blends have been created to demonstrate the virtues of Nicaraguan tobaccos. The tobacco composition is well balanced. These are little spicy cigars with thick aromatic smoke and flavors of caramel, nut, oriental spices, and rye bread. A worthy choice for discerning aficionados!

You will be able to buy Virginia Heritage little cigars from our online store at the best prices for this excellent product.

Virginia Heritage little cigars are held with thumb and forefinger. It should be lit without bringing it close to the fire, heating the tip, but avoiding burning. The smoke can be exhaled through the nose or released from the mouth by inhaling through the nose.

Virginia Heritage little cigars are smoked slowly, in a calm atmosphere – their blend, often flavored with flavoring, is intended for long, unhurried savoring of the tart-spicy taste. This tobacco product is ideally combined with a company of good friends and a glass of your favorite drink. Smoking in a hurry, on the go, is not fun.

There is nothing complicated in the question of how to smoke Virginia Heritage little cigars, since the process is practically no different from the usual smoking of cigarettes. But it is worth considering the features that may be encountered.

Step-by-step instructions will help beginners start smoking Virginia Heritage little cigars. Take the product out of the package; Use a lighter with a small flame or a match to light the cigarillo; Inhale the smoke; Virginia Heritage little cigars are smoked by holding thumb and forefinger. But this is more a tradition than a rule;

They are smoked, like cigarettes, Virginia Heritage little cigars are most often “pulled”, but you need to keep in mind that they are stronger, so it is better not to take too strong breaths, especially from habit; you can better feel the taste by holding the smoke in your mouth, then slowly sucking it in.