Cigars rarely come from Europe, instead they are made in Cuba, the Dominican Republic or Brazil – consequently it is extremely difficult for European cigar connoisseurs to find such treasures. Unless a company from Europe searches for remarkable, as yet unknown cigars, concludes a contract with the manufacturer and then imports the hand-rolled or machine-made cigars.
Woermann little cigars, for example, acts in this function – the company has been supplying its specialist retail customers with the finest cigarillos and cigars for more than 130 years. Woermann Cigarillos was founded in 1880 and named after its founder, Heinrich Woermann. The company ensured, among other things, that the San Lotano brand by A. J. Fernandez is also available in Germany. San Lotano has long been one of the top brands in the United States, but it was only in Europe that they first became aware of it when the renowned magazine “cigar aficionado” tested some of the brand’s cigars and even awarded the San Lotano Habano with 93 points.
Woermann Cigarillos was thus able to expand its own portfolio of high-quality, excellent Woermann little cigars. The imported Woermann little cigars are very popular and receive satisfactory reviews from buyers. The assortment not only includes cigars from top brands, but also cigars from manufacturers not mentioned in detail with their own Woermann little cigars band.
Classic Woermann little cigars No. 23 (100% tobacco)
Classic Woermann little cigars are 100% No. 23 thought. Woermann has been selling excellent cigarillos since 1880, each of which is a taste experience. The machine-made Classic Woermann little cigars have the addition that has the meaning that the insert as well as the binder and cover sheet consist of tobacco, which are naturally grown and matured.
For the Classic Woermann little cigars 100% No. 23, a wrapper made from Sumatra tobacco was used, which gives the cigarillo its distinctive aroma. The cigarillo is full-bodied and harmoniously balanced from the first draft and offers smokers perfect smoking pleasure. In the practical pack, which offers space for 20 cigarillos, connoisseurs can conveniently take their cigarillos with them wherever they go and enjoy them whenever they have the opportunity or whenever they want to treat themselves to a cigarillo.